5 Things I learned from creating content in 4 years of business

Navigating the realm of content creation and maintaining an active presence on platforms like Instagram can be overwhelming for most business owners, freelancers, and practitioners. Drawing from my four years of experience as a Business Coach (and 13 in the business world), here are some takeaways that I learned and that can support you in your journey as well:

1- Repeat after me: you are not an influencer—unless, of course, you are one.

Your primary focus isn't to amass popularity, garner likes, or share every detail of your personal and business life. Putting away the expectation that you need to be present 24/7 will lift some weight off your shoulders and make this activity much more enjoyable.

2- While showing your face is not mandatory for your business' success, it can actually help to get closer to your audience and to sell more.

I know this can be dreadful to some, but if you knew that you could exponentially grow your business - would you at least be willing to try? 

I'll tell you that when I started my business I wouldn't even send a WhatsApp audio because I was too shy to speak on any recorded media and to listen to my voice back. I did give it a try when I started my business and when I realized all the money I was making from Stories - there was nothing stopping me from learning and getting better at it.

Now, I not only am ok with speaking on social media, I also speak at events, host workshops, retreats and more. Overcoming this challenge opened so many new doors for me! 

3- Embrace experimentation, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

This is exactly what I did and helped me to be comfortable on camera and also to learn what I enjoy vs. don't. That includes dancing on Reels, which I tried for a while and confirmed I do NOT like that LOL But I found a way to use video and Reels that really works for me and that I enjoy without having to dance :) Meanwhile, I have clients who used to dread social media and, through experimentation, found a love for Reels creation that still astonishes me! 

4- Prioritize consistency over quantity when creating content.

A steady and reliable presence can take you further. Let go of the idea that you need to post every single day, and instead, embrace a steady pace that you can commit to and stay connected to your audience. 

5- Understand that Instagram is NOT your entire business, but merely a tool to support it.

This was the very key to finding flow in my business today and to keep leads coming in even when I spent two months in Mexico without posting any business content. This is not only liberating, but is the very thing that allowed me to scale my business (and it's also what I teach as part of my upcoming Business Builder Mastermind).

So, what's next?

If you want to grow your business and get over your discomfort/ dislike/ and dread for social media - this is just one of many topics that we cover during my 4-month Mastermind program. 

You will get to learn how to build a marketing engine that works for you and your business so you can stop relying on one platform and start building a flow that is proven to work! There are only 3 spots left - book a call here to learn more about the program and see if this is a good fit for you.


Story time: How I started using Instagram for my Business

Personally love Insta, it's my favorite channel, but it wasn't always like this. When I started my business 4 years ago, I knew that Instagram would be an important channel for me, but I couldn't deal with the idea of being on camera and recording videos on Stories.

I would record, watch, delete - multiple times until I finally felt satisfied with a version (or simply gave up on making it better). - Does that sound familiar?

Anyway - I kept going with it and it was through Instagram that I was able to sell out my first workshop in January 2020, followed by selling out my very first Mastermind program, on the following week. When I saw the $$ hitting my account, I told myself: screw what other people will think of me, they don't pay my bills, and this thing works, so I'm doing it.

And so I did. In these four years, I tried a lot of different things. At some point, I even hired a person to create content for me part time (20h per week creating content!). I had posts every single day. I used Reels. I danced on Reels. I used trendy audios. I tried a lot of different things. And looking back, I find the very best approach for me, which actually doesn't require me to hire someone or to post everyday (if you follow me, you probably already know that I don't live and breath on Insta, but I do have a stable/ consistent presence in there — and also in other channels).

I feel that today I'm in the best flow with my business - I'm organically attracting new followers, leads, clients… on a pace that I enjoy and that I don't feel overwhelmed or stressed. Even when I spend a few days without posting - clients still come in.

If you want some of that peace of mind in your business, I would love to support you in finding the best flow for you, by building an engine that works and doesn't rely solely on Instagram. Book a complimentary Discovery Call and let's chat - no pressure and no commitments.


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